Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3, 2014

So, I've been checking out the blog while I have some spare time, it´s
really bringing back some not-so-old memories from when I started. I´m
remembering all those feeling´s of happiness, fear, excitement
sadness, and joy that I felt when I first got started here. I can tell
from the old Spanish sentences that I sent that my language really has
inproved, because, back when I got started, well, it was really bad.

Introducing another missionary to the area is a lot easier this time
than last time. The last time I was only in the field for 6 weeks, and
we got lost about once a day. Luckily for this gringo that had no idea
how to do anything right, we would always manage to work things out.
Now that I really know the small area of Tecun 2, it is so much easier
to guide my comp. It´s always hard to learn something at first,
especially when it´s new, but as you can always make your way through,
because you have the Lord´s help especially in this work. He will
never give any commandment that you can´t do, but through your own
faith, diligence, and obidiance you can do anything

1 Nephi 3:7

And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

And in 1 Nephi 17:50-51

50 And I said unto them: If God had commanded me to do all things I could do them. If he should command me that I should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth; and if I should say it, it would be done.

51 And now, if the Lord has such great power, and has wrought so many miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannot instruct me, that I should build a ship?

Interesting combination, He won´t give us too much,
but we can do anything, and I suppose the outcome depends upon our
willingness to obey.

We are teaching three investigators right now that are doing super
well. One is Nora. She was a referral from a really
faithfull member, Sometimes she has to go to Huston, Texas to help her
daughter take care of her kids, but she told us that she will stay in
Guatemala for another month, That means she can get baptised here!!!
The other two are cousins, Marisol, a referral from the Book of
Mormon activity we did as a mission, froim the Second councerlor, Hno
Quique.  And the other is Verenisse, a referral from Marisol. They
both work on Sundays, so attending church has been a little difficult
for them, but Marisol has been able to go twice, and this past Sunday
we had our ward council, where we only talk about how to include the
ward in missionary work. Marisol actually went to that meeting, so we
just asked her when she would have time for a visit, pretty sweet!
This past Friday we had a plan that was so great, we had a ton of
appointments that were great, but we got a call Thursday night that a
member of the Area 70, Elder Morales, was coming to talk to the
Stakes' leaders, and missionaries. So we went instead. Elder Morales
had a lot of energy when he spoke, or in other words, he used his
power and authority when he talked. He mentioned one of the biggest
problems that we have in the Stake, and that is that there are a lot
of less active members of the church that need to be reactivated. He
also told us something really profound. The church is not what gives
us eternal life, Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives us eternal
life. Even though this is a baptising mission, there are also more
less actives that we need to help, because baptism is only the door,
we still need to endure to the end, the last step of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ that we all still are taking.

I love this gospel. It offers happines and joy like nothing else. In
order to recive and feel all the blessings that the gospel offers us,
we need to live it, that way we can find it.

Hasta la lunes baby!!!

Elder Lovett

Sunday, March 2, 2014

February 24, 2014

We just had two brand new baptisms in our area!!! Ana Sylvia, and her mom, Yolanda. They were both baptised by Sergio, Brother of Ana, and son of Yolanda. I always feel the Spirit super strong when I attend a baptism, especially when I was one of the Lords' servents that helped these beautiful children of God open the door that leads to eternal life (2 Nephi 31: 9, 18) I feel extreemly special because I was one of the missionaries that started teaching them, I´ve seen their whole progression, and I am super honored to have done good with them!

The Baptism. Here are the mnames from left to right.
Elder Guevara, Yolanda, Sergio, Ana Sylvia with her two sons, and me!

This week my step-dad left from the beautiful city of Tecun Uman because he couldn´t handle the heat.

Adiós Elder Cipriano, he went to the mountains of San Pedro

In his place I have one of the craziest, hardest working missionaries from Honduras. His name is Elder Guevara. He is a skilled missionary and is teaching me how to be a fantastic missionary, because he is amazing. I am super lucky to have him as my comp.

Elder Guevara from Honduras

There was a very difficult moment that I passed through this week, when I just felt like I lost my faith, where I felt that I could not be a good missionary. However the Lord knows all, because he expirienced all pains and afflictions, he knows our needs and how to fix them. Today I was rejuvinated because I recived one of my favorite Disney songs, mormon style "Go the Distance" from Hercules. (This recording was interspersed with recorded comments from General Authorities from the LDS Church  It says that we have been chosen by God to come to this Earth at this moment.  That we, the youth of today are the greatest youth in all of history, and that we have all the love and support by our Heavenly Father and the General Authorities. Along with other letters that I recieved I am ready to go and help the world find the way to be with God again, or in other words, Eternal Life!


Guess what! Mom, don´t worry, absolutely nothing bad happened, I just want to see what kind of guesses you have to what happend.

(This is not the kind of picture a parent wants to see from their Missionary in Guatemala.  It must be an early Halloween joke - and you know how much Joe loves Halloween!)

Any Gueses???

Elder Lovett
February 17, 2014

Roger wrote the following, again to give context to Joe's response:

I am teaching Mission Prep next week and the topic is the Plan of Salvation and what I would love for you to do is write me what you've learned about, not only the Plan of Salvation, but how to teach it to people who are just learning about it from you. I'd love to read your letter to the group next week to open our lesson.

So Dad, I hate to let you down, but I olny have taught the Plan of
Salvation about two or three times, and I don´t have a lot of
experience in the aspect of what the people need to know.  Just that
it´s pretty important to have the basic outline of the Plan of
Salvation memorized, but the thing is, even when I don´t know what to
say, I can always go back to the pure testimony that I have. If they
simply have a testimony that the Plan of Happiness is a real plan, or
in any other aspect of the missionary lessons, it can be more powerful
to them than if Shakespear himself were there to tell it to them. Just
remember to teach to what the investigator needs, that may mean
teaching, or explaining a specific part a bit more than another.

I had to kill another rat this week!! I got it stuck in a whole in the
wall and crushed it with the broom and waited until it sufficated!! It
was super tramatising! Scary, but we got the little bugger.  So I was able to get the price of a mouse trap from 50 quetsales to 8, because I´m so charming. (And humble)

The Mission Retalhuleu is really pushing for us to get 20 new
investigators, as a goal in one week. With that in mind, one of the
Elders in our district came up with an idea that worked in one of his
old areas that would help us get a ton of references. And that is
going, and teaching schools sections from The Strength of Youth. What
a great idea!! And we could do it because one of the elders has a
connection to the Paz Andrade, the school in front of the church. Last
Wednesday, after a zone conferance in Cuotepeke we went to the School
and taught in front of about two classes of around 30 people. I got
the wonderful opportunity to teach a subject where I had much
experience, Leaving with the opposite Sex (hmmm?, not sure what he means here). It was really fun, eventhough our teaching wasn´t perfect, we had a great time, and got a
ton of references.

Hey Dad, my neighbor, a non-member says he will get baptised, and
become the next Bishop to maintain the order.  For example, remove the
people in church who talk.  He told me to let you know that his advice
to you is to be Bishop like him.

To find a ton of new investigators we fasted. That night we tried getting more
references by playing Futbol.  But they were a team, totally destroyed us,
and when we finished we were super thursty until church ended the next
day, that made it a pretty good fast, let´s pray that it works!

There is a youth that just left on his mission today, his name is Edy
Miranda, now Elder Miranda, and we went to his setting apart, there
was such a strong spirit there, and I could remember really well my
own setting apart there as well. Edy was my first friend here in
Tecun, and now he´s off to Mexico to go bring souls unto Christ for
himself. God be with you Elder Miranda

My convert, Saul has just been called to be the young men´s
President!!!!! I was so proud and happy for him, It was a pleasure
to sustain him yesterday.

Whenever you have a doubt, go back to the Book of Mormon, it answers
the questions of your soul.  For example, 2 Nephi 2:25 We´ve heard it a
thousand times, but through that verse I know that I exist in order to
be happy , as well as all the other children of God here on this

Love you all!
Elder Lovett
February 10, 2014

Susan wrote the following to Joseph, and I'm incluiding it here so you have context to his response.

Hope this letter finds you doing well! I just got asked to give a talk
next week about preparing a missionary, and was wondering if there was
anything in particular that we did to help you prepare for a mission, and
weather you felt fairly well prepared when you entered the mission field.
Maybe any pointers you could give would help someone else getting ready for
a mission, especially Jake as he prepares to enter the mission field. Just
asking. It would sure help

Believe it or not Mom, that actually has been something that I have
thought about out here.  Because it says in the Proclamation to that
Family that the parents are responsable for teaching the doctrine in
the Family. I have thought long and hard on that and I will tell you
with 100% surety that the way you guys prepared me for my mission, and
taught me the doctrine, was from your example. There were times when I
was stubborn, of course with no reason, and I closed myself from the
many times you sat us down to teach us a principle. What I did learn,
I learned because you guys, my Earthy parents, never left the church,
always encouraged us to read the scriptures, we hardly ever missed a
family preayer at night. You guys were a great example. Your love for
your missions in Italy, love for the Church, and it´s Gospel, and with
the undying, ever powerful love that you have for me and my brothers.

For example, for almost 8 years we struggled to have Family Home
Evening, because we always had Marching Band practice. So what did you two do,
you involved yourselves completely in Marching Band to be close to us,
gave us your support, and had a great time. From Band I learned that
you guys were pretty awesome.

(Note from Roger)  Pretty AWESOME huh!?

The children of Tecun Uman, Guatemala!  So happy!  If kids see you with a camera, I can almost promise you that you will
be taking a photo of them.

Not enough motorsycles for Batallion Mormon!

I swear I only translated, I didn´t actually weld Mom!

Another story.

We have a rat problem, as we have descovered fairly reciently. One
night we walked in and found a rat climbing into a hole in the wall.
The rat got stuck, and my comp, quickly reacting, grabbed the broom
and crushed the rat with the end of the broom. I tried to grab the
rat´s tail with a bag, but it was still living! With my
heart pumpingI grabed the brom with the idea that I was going to
anialate this rat.  So I shoved this broom into the hole where that rat
was. I ended up shoving the rat through tha wall and we heard it make
a BOOM sound when it fell into the car shop behind our house! from the
second story, where we live!

Wow, right!

February 3, 2014  


My comp (Elder Cipriano) and Me!  Right now! Sending you saludes from a humble town in Guatemala!

Something really cool happend this week with my comp! In the morning, while we were still getting ready for the day my comp learned a new word from me and was writing it in his little notebook, like I do.  I also wanted to write it down, and I suprised him a little, and the reason I suprized him was, (and this is what he told me) that my Spanish is so good that every once in a while, he forgets that I am still learning Spanish!! Now wouldn´t every brand new missionary want to hear that! I also had one of my first dreams in Spanish!! I was on the phone with someone with a perfect English accent and she thought I was my trainer and some other missionary. For the rest of the dream I was explaining why I called or something wierd like that, but IT WAS IN SPANISH!!!

My companion comes from a big city in central Mexico calld Morelia Michocan. In that area they don´t speack Spanish,They speak a Spanish dialect called Purépecha, And that is my comp's first language, Not Spanish!!! He learned Spanish in school when he was six years old!

It have notied that it's becoming much easier to teach a lesson, and that I have been able to notice, and follow the Spirit a little bit easier the longer I serve here. The trick is that you should not make a routine in teaching. It is important to let the people know the specific points that are in a lesson, but the lesson should be guided by the Spirit, according to the needs of the investigator. My companion lacks a bit in that aspect, but that is where my part is important. I am the one of us two that expresses my energy. I have noticed this and I pray to my kind Father in Heaven that I can teach this way for all of my mission, with power, authority, and a love for the work, to the convincing, and conversion, of all the people that I come in contact with. There are three memers in a companionship, me, my comp, and the Holy Spirit. One of us knows all, not me, niether my comp, and he is the one that we should always follow.
There is a recient convert in our ward, his name is Sergio Catillo, Both his mom and his sister have accepted the challange to be baptized the 22 of February. They explained to us that missionaries before had taught them, but they didn´t explain themselves, or the doctrine like we did, so they didn´t accept baptism. The cool part with them is, I was there when we started teaching them, and now they accepted the first step to being faithful members!
This is the greatest work of all!  I know it.  And I can see and feel the strength to continue strong when I am with a young man named Edy.  He is a convert of about a year and a half and is getting ready to leave for his mission this February. The Book of Mormon is true in all languages, and the Spirit testifies to all in their oun language.


These trycicles are pretty much the taxies here in Tecun Uman, and there are a TON of them

There was a parade to start some festival. Pretty cool!  I ran as fast as I could to catch up and take this photo! 

 Love you guys a ton, gotta go

Live it, Love it and you Will find it,

True stuff man. See you all too soon!  (Smiely face!)  I can´t make that symbol on this computer haha!

Love, Elder Lovett